Monday, June 28, 2010

Pregnancy Myth Buster!

Now that I’m more than half-way through my pregnancy, I’ve heard (and got annoyed) at many many “advices”, either given to me or given to friends of mine. Unfortunately, they are, a lot of times, myth.
  1. You can eat whatever you want!!
    Yah right!!! Did no one tell you you now have to give up the yummy chu toro and foie gras?! How about only eating 300 calories more per day? That’s about 2 cookies’ worth! Honestly, I never had to worry about what I eat before, but now I’m the most health conscious in my life!
  2. You shouldn’t exercise I don’t know why people say that. Every doctor or medical literature state the opposite. Even my own Mom told me it’s best to exercise to have smooth delivery! This by no means says you’ll have to go cardio kick-boxing or sky diving, but definitely keep your body moving!
  3. Because you’re pregnant, you should wear a sac or PJs I have lately taken up sewing. Started with small 2-dimensional projects and slowly now venturing into 3-D items such as bags and aprons. Lately, I’m feeling even more adventurous and want to try out a maternity clothes. The only problem is I’m not that experienced in clothes making, so I decided to go to Jo-Ann’s and buy a pattern. Turned out, maternity clothes have always been lumped with “sleepwear” and often just look like a sac. Seriously? Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m fat nor I should wear sweats! Yes I admit I lately I’ve been wearing more dresses or yoga pants rather than slick jeans, but I still try to look decent! I ended up buy plus-size patterns and probably will have to learn on my own how to take in the sleeves and shoulder width.
  4. “You’ll love being pregnant” I feel blessed. Very blessed in fact to be pregnant, let along have a fairly easy pregnancy. However, this is not a trip to the ice cream store. And I bet no one ever mention all the side-effects of pregnancy other than nausea (nose-bleed, leg cramps, stomach muscle/ligament cramp, sore back, shortness of breath, stuffy nose, acid reflux, pee when you sneeze/cough….the list can go on and on!) This is not to say there are about ten-thousand other things you would usually do that you are not allowed to do now. I don’t know who in their right mind would love to go through 40 weeks of discomfort. Think it’s just propaganda to brainwash women to want to have kids.
These are all I can think of now. I’ll post more when I remember them.