Second Mother's Day.
On my first Mother's Day last year, I actually had my son in my arms and my Mom in my apartment. It was suppose to be a day with brunch and lots of wonderful experiences. Turned out, I had to catch a flight out to a conference that afternoon (who starts a conference on Mother's Day?!!) and Little Guy broke out in rash that sent us to Urgent Care. It turned out to be roseola, which by the time of rash made an appearance, the worst has past. It was more a stressful day than a joyous day.
Since this day last year, we've done a whole ton. We moved to the suburbs; we have done two international travel to our hometowns; we celebrated Little Guy's first birthday; we went to our first family football game; we celebrated Daddy's birthday; we survived a winter full of ear infections; we went through our first surgery; we had our first scare; we celebrated Twi-twi's birthday; we celebrated Mommy's birthday.
Little Guy went from a baby just learning to eat solids to a little boy running and talking.
On this second Mother's Day, I am thankful for all the care my own mother has given me over the years. I am thankful for all the pseudo mothers out there, caring for other people's children. I am thankful for having a wonderful son, so I can know the joy of being a mother.
Happy Mother's Day to all.