Nursing pads
I went through a few nursing pads, and honestly still can’t decide on which one(s) works the best. But again, if you are breastfeeding, you’ll need them. Especially if you have over supply like I do!
Here are the three types I’ve tried:
Lansinoh Ultra Soft Disposable Nursing Pad – This is great for travel because it’s individually packed and fairly thin, and it also has adhesive in the back to secure on your bra. But I am small-chested and I find it too large and therefore shifts around in my bra! Also, when it gets wet, the absorbing gel inside tend to leak out. Yuck! I did not purchase a second box.

Johnson’s – Great in size and has back adhesive. However, a bit thick. Great if your clothes or nursing bra is very sheer though.

The First Year – Lanolin Disposable – These pads are great if you have sensitive nipples. It already has lanolin at the center, so it’s soft and easy on your nipples. The size and thickness are also perfect for someone like me. One major drawback is it does not have back adhesive, so they do move around.

Verdict: Must have if you breastfeed. Which brand you prefer is just a personal choice.
Nursing cover
If you plan to breast feeding, you MUST have nursing cover. Bebe au lait is the common brand people go for, since it covers and have a semi-circle wire that allows you to look down at your baby. However, give we have a winter baby, I find it a bit too thin and expensive. So I made my own nursing cover.
Basically just a double-layered rectangular cloth, with semi-circle wire, and a strap to hook over your neck. Even if you don’t go out all that much, if you have visitors at home, this is still a life-saver. And it keeps you nice and warm! :) It very often doubles as CC’s traveling blanket or rain cover also!
Breastfeeding pillow
I used to think it’s absolutely necessary to have nursing pillow. And maybe it is to some mothers. But other than the first month, and even then, I hardly use the nursing pillow. Because it’s not thick enough to rest completely on my lap, so I either have to slouch, or stuff a real pillow under the nursing pillow.
Half the time I look like a toddler with my donut going to the pool; it’s even more ridiculous when baby starts to puke and you run around with the nursing pillow on your waist trying to get towel.
And sometimes I’m downstairs while the nursing pillow is upstairs. I have the baby and now I have to try to put the nursing pillow on, stuff another pillow under it, while holding the baby. Too much work!
Yes, it does put some strain on my wrist/arm without it, but with some practice it’s not so bad at all.
I do have to say a disclaimer though. I have only used “My Breast Friend” nursing pillow, which has a buckle. I’m not sure if Boppy’s nursing pillow would be better.
Bottle warmer
Regardless how you feed, you’ll need this. We’ve got ours from Avent and honestly don’t like it so much. The light flickers on and off while it warms or turn off to keep the water constant. However, it does not keep the content being warmed at constant temperature, neither does it turns itself off when it boils dry (or I dare not try). So we always have to stand by it to watch. I have heard First Year’s is better, since it tells you how much water to put in, and when the water boils dry it turns off and the bottle/food is ready. But since we already have the Avent warmer and we don’t even bottle feed that much, we continue to stand by the warmer and wait…
Verdict: It’s a must have, starting around birth if you formula feed, 3 weeks if you breastfeed. But I’m not sure the one we have is the best choice.
Bottle drying rack
I guess you can dry the bottle on any drying rack. But it does get out of hand at times, if you are cleaning multiple bottles. So we bought the Boon Grass Coutertop Drying Rack and use it only for CC’s everything. It’s quite decorative and works with things from bottle to nipples to medicine syringe.
Verdict: Not a must have, since you can be creative and do without. But a nice-to-have.
Oh we tried so many and CC seems to only take the one we tried first, the Wubbanub Infant Plush Toy Pacifier. Yah, it’s ridiculous expensive for a pacifier but it’s ridiculously cute when he’s sucking on it! Also makes it easy for us to fish it out of diaper bag or purse. I guess CC likes it because the nipple shape is similar to those of his bottles. Not that he likes either one all that much, but when he’s fussy in the carseat and car is moving, I can sometimes calm him temporarily using this soothie.
We have also bought a few more, but I don’t quite remember the names and he dislike them anyhow. They are, however, much cheaper than this.
Verdict: Not a must have. CC likes his little knuckle more than any soothie.
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