Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bullies and a Mother's Wish

School teacher told me today, that Little Guy can knock his opponents out now during a "fight".

I do not tolerate violence. But I also believe standing up for oneself and defending oneself against violence, especially being smallest in age/size in this world of bullies.

Our parents and teacher used to just tell us, the act of violence is just wrong, period. But what about the cause for such violence? What about self-defense? I feel that the key is to teach Little Guy that it is okay to protect himself, but he should NEVER become a bully.

His parents are both sensible and pragmatic people who can hold opinions of their own and not care much about what others think of ourselves. At the same time, we are also sensitive towards other people's needs and know right from wrong.

I don't wish for Ivy League or fancy title in Little Guy's future, but I do hope he grows to be a man with right set of values.

And of course, eats well, sleeps well, healthy, and happy. (Very tall order!)

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