Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Two years ago this time, we were still a family of three, getting ready to go to bed while watching season premier of Hawaii 5-0, in our San Francisco loft. Two hours later, Little Guy will set a stage for his entrance to this world by creating his own wave of tsunami all over our $4,000 bed. 

Happy Birthday, my baby, my Little Guy, my love. 

It has been an eventful year. You went from bar
ely crawling to dashing around the house; from babbling to negotiating with complete sentences; from eating your books to reading them by yourself; from drinking mainly milk to eating Singaporean curry with corn on the side. The only thing constant was that the t-shirt you wore one year ago still fits.

Lots has happened. We went through countless bouts of illness; we experienced a huge scare of false suspicion of DS; we passed the crazy stomach virus to each other; we survived HFMD and croup within 10 days...Those days were tough. But we also had many many laughters and delights watching buses on street of Taipei with Ah-Gong and Ah-Mah. Or snuggle with George and watch Olivia. Or simply sitting outside of CPSC doing our daily after-school picnic.

No other joy is greater than that from being with you.

In this coming year, I wish you the safest, healthiest, happiest times to come. And in life, I wish that just like your (Chinese) name implies, a very peaceful and humble life.

Mommy, Daddy, and Twilight love you very very much.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Little Guy.

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